Django Webdesign

Tantalizing website design is the crux of the matter in today's business. I create dynamic and appealing websites for you. With more than 7 years design experience and better than two years' practice in developing websites, I am the man for nearly any job.

Over my ever expanding web career, I've designed sites that range from ultra-simplistic, one-page vanity sites to sites that have more than 600 pages of content that changes weekly. One of the main things that I focus on when I'm designing a site is making it easy to update. If you can't change a site with relative ease, upkeep becomes much more work than it's worth and the site tends to not get updated at all.

Whether you're looking for a quick and dirty page, a deeply involved website, or just a touch-up job on your current site, I can not only handle it, I'll jump at the chance to tackle the job with more creative talent than you can shake a keyboard at.


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