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Welcome to Dumptruck Records
Manifesto: Dumptruck Records strives to provide the least amount of support for each and every artist signed to the label. Our goal is to keep it "real" and therefore underground. We provide no support in the form of cash, bookings, pressing of CDs or promotional material. In exchange, all we require is your music.
- NEW San Juan Experience Music has been added to the site. [ listen to it ]
- Dumptruck Records recently signed the megastars Andre Bohren and Jason Kirkmeyer's "side project," the BSD. Expect BSD music sometime before the year 2022.
- the Slumdwellaz have gone into the studio to record their upcoming album. "It may be titled 'The Funky Body Farm Masochists Eat Dinner With Your Mom,' but prolly not," says Doctor Watch-Out. Don't hold your breath for this possible double-disc set though, It's not slated for release until later this year.
- Hon Solo: has a couple of new tracks for you to listen to. They'll be uploaded within the next year.
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