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cover | table of contents | staph | small print | pronunciation guide | hannibal's necktie | sally plesand photo | black suits | grapefruit moon | first date part II | punjab and neilsen eat breakfast an neilsen's apartment | the doughnut | ragus in the raw (ragus plans) | the book of debauchery | platy prod.s' obsession | bartholomew q. barnacle | john paul photo | letters | megalopoli envy

Nutrition Information

Publisher: Platy Prod.s
Head Grunt and Comic Relief: Lavishing Diarrhea Writers: Platy Prod.s, K-8, Jane G., The Fonz, Lavishing Diarrhea, Dane Patey, Chris Kjorness, Jaguar, Morgan J. Aplan, Tracey Nielsen, Layney Wight, Kai Hawk
Photography: West Magoon, Sally Plesant, John Paul
Illustration: Anne, Earnest Graham III
Posers (for First Date Part 2): Jason Kirkmeyer and Jen Wilking
Cover: West Magoon

Platy Prods = Django Bohren
Lavishing Diarrhea = Jason Kirkmeyer
K-8 = Kate Erlewine
Jane G. = D'Arcy Patey
The Fonz = Adam Rea
Jaguar = Bill A. Neiman

The Book of Debauchery written by Morgan J. Aplan and Jaguar