riz from the dead, it's


megalopolis 11 cover
[ front cover ]


cover | engine | table of contents | staph | small print | punjab and neilsen eat a midnight snack at punjab's slumber party | platy prod.s' obsession | hope, love and abjection | groovy boots | frank's problems | rejection | reggie scanlan photo | pronunciation guide | spiro and agnus | latterday jesus | paddy's car | 96 sense | jim fagen has megalopoli envy | tiffany edwards has megalopoli envy | bo magnie has megalopoli envy | prestolite

this one goes to eleven back cover
[ back cover ]

Nutrition Information

Headitor: Platy Prod.s
Head Grunt: Lavishing Diarrhea
Writers: Lavishing Diarrhea, Platy Prod.s, God, Lee Chaimberlain, Bo.
Photography: Platy Prod.s (cover, inside cover, rejection), Reggie Scanlan (St. Roch), Pepper (Megalopoli Envy)
Illustration: Andrew Robbins (10 commandments)

Platy Prods = Django Bohren
Lavishing Diarrhea = Jason Kirkmeyer
Pterodactyl = Susan Nissen
Bo = Underwear Monkey
Writes With Red Pen = Wyoma
Pepper = Dale Bohren